Lecturer: | Dr. Artem Pronin |
Room: | Pfaffenwaldring 57 - V57.3.331 |
Time: | Fri 09:45 - 11:15 |
Beginning: | 12.04.2019 |
Language: | English |
Exercises: | Fortnightly, Friday 08:00 - 09:30, starting on 26.04.2019 - Room: V57.3.331 |
Contact Lecture: | Dr. Artem Pronin |
Contact Exercises: | Dr. Artem Pronin |
This lecture can be taken as Schwerpunktmodul as well as Ergänzungsmodul for M.Sc. students.
Lecture Slides
Artem Pronin
PD Dr.Optical studies of topological materials