PI1 Seminars

Seminars in SoSe 2022

PI1 Seminars SoSe2022

Seminar: 04612 Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: Tue 13:00-14:30
Room: Pfaffenwaldring 57 3.531/ ONLINE
Beginning: 12.04.2022

Project Seminar: 0496555 Scientific Communication Skills
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel
1. Seminar on 07.04.2022
in Lecture Hall 57.02 11:30 - 14:30
further Seminars tba

Seminar: 04614 Recent Developments in Solid State Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel
Time: Thu 13:00-14:30
Room: Pfaffenwaldring 57 3.531
Beginning: 14.04.2022

Oberseminar: 04611 Microwave Spectroscopy for Solid State Physics
Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: Tue 09:00-10:30
Beginning: 12.04.2022

Oberseminar: 04613 Special Problems in Optical Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: Thu 08:00-09:30
Room: Pfaffenwaldring 57 3.531
Beginning: 14.04.2022

Oberseminar: 04618 Optical Properties of Dirac Materials
Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: Wed 08:00-09:30
Room: Pfaffenwaldring 57 3.531
Beginning: 13.04.2022

Oberseminar: 43850 Nano-Optics
Dr. Bruno Gompf, Dr. Helga Kumric
Time: Fr 14:00-15:30
Room: Pfaffenwaldring 57 3.531
Beginning: 15.04.2022


This image shows Martin Dressel

Martin Dressel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Head of Institute

This image shows Artem Pronin

Artem Pronin

PD Dr.

Optical studies of topological materials

This image shows Marc Scheffler

Marc Scheffler


Senior scientist

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