
Summer Semester 2021
[Photo: PI1 Uni Stuttgart]

The Beauty of Frustration!
Phase Diagram TMTTF/TMTSF
Ferrofluids under 8T Magnetic Field

Seminar: 04612 Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: Tue 13:00-14:30

Beginning: 20.04.2021

Seminar: 04614 Recent Developments in Solid State Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Ece Uykur
Time: Thu 13:00-14:30

Beginning: 22.04.2021

Oberseminar: 04611 Microwave Spectroscopy for Solid State Physics
Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: Tue 09:30-11:00

Beginning: 20.04.2021

Oberseminar: 04613 Special Problems in Optical Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: Thu 08:00-09:30

Beginning: 22.04.2021

Oberseminar: 04618 Optical Properties of Dirac Materials
Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: Wed 08:00-09:30

Beginning: 22.04.2021

Oberseminar: 43850 Nano-Optics
Dr. Bruno Gompf, Dr. Helga Kumric
Time: Fr 14:00-15:30

Beginning: 23.04.2021


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